Larisa Cof


Project Engineer at Northvolt

M.Sc student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

I am a 24-year-old woman passionate about exploring my future as an ICT engineer. I have been working as a project engineer at Northvolt since October 2021. As of August 2021, I have been attending the ICT Innovation Master's degree program in the track Cloud and Network Infrastructures where I attended several entrepreneurship and network courses.

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Error Control in Relay Networks (Spring 2022)

Project as part of the course EP2200 Queuing Theory and Teletraffic Systems.

This project addresses a multi-hop relay network architecture that has been introduced in the next generation wireless cellular networks such as LTE advanced and 5G systems as a promising technique to improve the coverage and the throughput of the network. The aim was to compare the performance of different error control schemes for relay networks by building analytic models based on queuing theory.

Spotify Music Recommendation (Autumn 2021)

Project as part of the course ID2221 Data-Intenstive Computing, conducted together with Harry Vuong.

There are many features that Spotify offers, such as the ability to eavesdrop on what friends are listening to or to generate playlists suited to the users’ liking each week called Discover Weekly. However, there is not a way to combine multiple user preferences and generate a playlist based on these preferences. In this project, the current top 50 tracks of both authors’ Spotify accounts during a time period of 6 months were gathered as input to our k-means model to cluster songs that are similar to each other. Samples from the clusters were then used to create a common playlist with the help of Spotify’s Get Recommendation API.

ISP Project (Autumn 2021)

Project as part of the course IK2215 Advanced Internetworking, conducted together with Alexander Mino.

The main objectives of the project assignment were to:

Bachelor’s Degree Project (Spring 2021)

Together with Sara Moazez Gharebagh I conducted a Bachelor’s thesis project in the field of smart city parking management. Through a comparative analysis of the mobile parking applications EasyPark and LinPark, our goal was to investigate areas of development regarding mobile parking applications and discuss the possibilities for a nationally based parking application.
Read: Analysis of Parking Service Management in a Smart City Context

Digital Twins Project (Spring 2021)

As part of the course ICT Innovation & Sustainable Development, I worked on a group project assignment supervised by IVL Swedish Environmental Institute. The project goal was to investigate the applicability and possible benefits of implementing the digital twin technology in the Swedish water treatment sector.

Memento (Spring 2020)

Group project as part of the course Information and Communication Technology. The idea of Memento is to provide a fun learning service for students of all ages. With Memento students can create and share flashcards, quizzes, and study materials, such as notes and solution suggestions.
View project website

Algorithms and Datastructures (Autumn 2020)

Laboratory assignments from the course Algorithm and Datastructures (ID1020) at KTH.
View assignments on GitHub

Socket programming project (Spring 2020)

Project as part of the course IK1203 Networks and Communication.
View project on GitHub

MATLAB (Spring 2020)

Laboratory and project assignments from the course Numerical Methods (SF1547) at KTH.
View assignments on GitHub

Project Temperature (pic32sim) (Spring 2019)

Project as part of the course IS1200 Computer Hardware Engineering course.
View project on GitHub